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Marca-Relli 5.jpg
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Marisol 2.jpg
Mitchell 1.jpg
Model 1.jpg
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Rauchenberg 4.jpg
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Vincenti 3.jpg
Yunkers 1.jpg
Zadkine 1.jpg
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Zadkine 3.jpg

© 2018, Lazarus Family. All rights reserved.


Portraits of Artists (1956-1966)

From 1956-1966, Marvin Lazarus took pictures of more than 200 iconic American and European artists and sculptors, many of whom are listed in the catalog below and displayed in the rotating carousel of low-resolution digital images shown above.   


As the full Marvin Lazarus Collection continues to be catalogued and digitized into high-resolution images, those who may be interested in purchasing rights for publication or commercial use of a particular portrait or group of portraits in the Collection can visit the Contact page on this website to inquire about digital availability. Eventually, the goal is to make all the images in the Collection available in high-resolution format directly from the website (rights fees will apply).  


In the meantime, we hope you will send us an email via the Contact page if you are interested in learning more about the Collection or if you would like to inquire as to whether a digital version of a certain portrait or group of portraits might be available in high-resolution format for publication or commercial use.

The Marvin Lazarus Collection

© 2018 Lazarus Family. All rights reserved.

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